Debranding Is the New Branding. From Burger King and Toyota to Intel and Warner Brothers, major brands are discarding detail and depth. Why now, and what’s the rush?
In recent years many major brands have taken a long, hard look in the mirror and hit reverse — discarding detail and depth to debrand.
Good examples of global brands doing exactly this are:
Read the full article written by Ben Scot on Bloomberg here >
The above are huge brand names but simplifying your own branding may also be worth while. Think about what elements in your branding are necessary? Look dated? Or too complicated? Always try and put yourself in the shoes of your target audience and view your brand through their eyes.
A really good example that The Shape have worked on is the Ben Levy Art project. A very simple tweak to a letter in the logo typeface is the big (small!) idea behind the branding. Everything else is clean. Take a closer look here in our portfolio section >
Contact The Shape today if you would like help creating your brand identity or crafting your current branding. Our team of experts will be able to advise you on the best actions to take >